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Recital '24


Online Ticketing Available 5/6, 12:15pm


As we are pleased to be offering ticket purchases online this year we have been very mindful of cost. Ultimately as we are provided with some extra convenience by being able to purchase online there are some added fees to allow for the online ticketing service. 

We are looking forward to our 6th annual Year End Recital!



Saturday, June 1st at Northbridge Middle School

171 Linwood Ave, Whitinsville, MA

2:00 PM

5:00 PM

Dancer showtimes will be released shortly 



Dress Rehearsal:

Dress Rehearsal will be held on Friday, May 31st at Northbridge Middle School. Dress Rehearsal is mandatory for all dancers as we have an opportunity to run through both of our shows in order of appearance in costume! 

Time TBD


Recital Pictures:

Info coming soon


Recital Tickets: 

We are excited to offer online ticketing this year in hopes to make this process as convenient and stress-free as possible. Ticket sales will begin May 6th at 12:15pm.  All families will be emailed a code as well as a separate email with step by step instructions.

Once you access the website, you will see an option to purchase tickets to the 2pm show and/or the 5pm show depending on which show your dancer is in. If you are unsure which show to purchase tickets for, you can search each show by dancer's name.

You will then be able to access your tickets via your phone or by printing at home.

ALL SEATS ARE RESERVED.  THERE IS TIERD PRICING FOR UPPER AND LOWER SECTIONS. There is NO bad seat in this intimate auditorium.  The upper section requires guests to climb a small staircase.  The lower section is accessible via ramp.


Ticket Pricing:

As we are pleased to be offering ticket purchases online this year we have been very mindful of cost. Ultimately as we are provided with some extra convenience by being able to purchase online there are some added fees to allow for the online ticketing service. Please see info inside studio 2 (upstairs, small room) for more information



We will be once again offering some additional merchandise and purchase for Recital. The merchandise is as follows:

  • Flowers (available for purchase online for an added fee or in studio for no added fee)
  • T Shirts (available for purchase online for an added fee or in studio for no added fee)
  • Program Ads (available for purchase online for an added fee or in studio for no added fee)
  • Digital Downloads of Recital
  • Teddy Bears (at Recital only)
  • Concessions (at Recital only)


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